I seriously cannot remember the last time I was so sick. I had a fluctuating fever for two days, didn't eat food for one day and didn't eat anything solid for nearly three days. My stomach was a disaster zone. It was miserable. Alec was struck with the same thing, of course, so neither of us had anyone to take care of us. And therefore I really haven't done much in the kitchen for nearly a month.
It's been rather tragic. I obviously didn't finish the 12 Days of Christmas Cooking Challenge, but I will still post the pictures of everything else that was made. And try not to get queasy thinking about the aftermath of Day 10.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me six geese a-laying.
On the sixth day of Christmas, I made Foie Gras Stuffed Dates.
Mmm, not my favorite. Did it because they "kindof look like eggs." It was a different foie gras recipe than I usually use, and I ended up turning the foie gras mousse into normal foie gras, and we ate it like that.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me seven swans a-swimming.
On the seventh day of Christmas, I made Black Swan and Flying Swan.
These weren't too shabby. I preferred the Flying Swan (right) better. Sour Apple Schnapps, rum, and orange juice. How can you go wrong? The Black Swan was a white chocolate martini.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me eight maids a-milking.
On the eighth day of Christmas, I made Tirimisu Milkshakes.
This? Delicious. I would make this again.
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me nine ladies dancing.
On the ninth day of Christmas, I made Ladyfingers.
Omg. These were a result of my 2012 goal to start (slowly) cooking through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. And they are amazing. I'm sure I'll be doing an actual post on these. Because I'm sure I'll be making them again.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ten lords a-leaping.
On the tenth day of Christmas, I made Frog Legs.
Honestly? These were so good. Alec and I were raving over them while we were eating them.
But now? I'm kindof grossed out just looking at the picture. It's such a shame that I will always relate them to The Plague. Maybe in a few years I'll be over it. Because I'd really like to eat frog legs again. But now I really have to stop talking about them.
All in all? I hope for better luck next year with finishing, and, you know, not being direly ill. But I made some yummy things and tried a lot of new foods and methods. So? Worth it.
...five gold rings...
... four colly birds...
... three French hens...
... two turtledoves...
... and a partridge in a pear tree.
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